Street Vendor Commissary

Client: Private
Program: Commisssary/ Community Training Center
Location: Upstate, NY
Sq. FT: 7,500 sf
Status: Design Development

The Street Vendor Center is an 8400sf NYC commissary space envisioned to house 30 vendor carts and members who can enjoy and co-run a Center with a shared ‘lab’ kitchen, commissary food supplies from local farmers, training and gathering spaces, and a green roof. The exemplary project could be sited in any borough and offers a new perspective on what a commissary in NYC can be.

Street vending is central to our daily lives in NYC just as it is in urban centers around the world. Feeding 8 million people daily in NYC is a challenging and complicated task. Street vending is an important aspect to this challenge. The commissary improves the daily lives of street vendors by offering opportunities to develop new recipes with fresh and locally-produced food in a shared kitchen. It also provides training and valuable job skills. The public benefits from this result; healthier, multi-ethnic meal offerings that are affordable.

Shared kitchen as business incubator in street vendor commissary
Commissary entry with training center and urban farm above.